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France, Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, Holds Largest-Ever Gathering of People Dressed as Smurfs, for Som
France currently ranks fifth on the list of most affected countries, with 1,200 confirmed cases and 21 deaths. The first Smurf agreed....

Corona/Covid declared pandemic
March 11 - 3/11 = 33 Corona Virus = CV C = 3 V = 22 Genesis 3:22 Event 201 was a simulation of a coronavirus outbreak that killed...

Flaming Sword
In the Golden Age, a Priest was a Magician & in accordance with Law of Attraction, thought manifested onto the Physical Plane...

Behold Your Mother Marvel Comics presented Frigga as Thor's Mother in 1963. The Norse goddess Freya was introduced into the comic strip...

Socialism is always communism no matter what word you put in front
“[Hitler] stressed in his book [Mein Kampf] the importance of winning over and then training the youth in the service “of a new national...

When considering the nature of the Elves or the Anunnaki, rather than believing they came from a different planet, it might be worth...
My Parker Family - Daniel Parker
Elder Daniel Parker Daniel Parker (January 29, 1781 – December 3, 1844) was an early American leader in the Primitive Baptist Church in...

Corona Virus
C = 3 V = 22 Revelations 12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of...

If your only weapon is to shame your opponent, you both play for the same team.
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