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Trump Has Covid
All the similarities with 88 and Donnie Darko (my favorite film) I’ve been following with Trump from the beginning, his mother and my...
"The SOLUTION to The Elusive GRAND UNIFIED EQUATION(Singularity Equation) in All Sciences, Metaphysics, Spirituality and Philosophy is...
Wise as Serpents
The serpent represents Kundalini. It is the same serpent that tempted Eve, the same serpent that Moses' staff turned into in front of the...

Morning Star
It's astrology & precession of equinoxes. Lucifer was the morning star in the Age of Aries, the previous Era. In the Age of Pisces, Jesus...

Trump has Covid
After all the synchronicities with Trump and the number 88 and my family and the movie Donnie Darko (my favorite movie), Trump announces...

It’s Alive!!
'The earth is alive and it feels with you. It follows your footsteps, your search, with equal anxiety, because it will be transfigured in...

Saint Corona
Indeed, there’s actually a St. Corona! And her remains are in Northern Italy (the site of the first Covid 19 lockdown in EU). What’s more...

Tesla Prophecy of Women
“This struggle of the human female toward sex equality will end in a new sex order, with the female as superior. The modern woman, who...

And you were expecting little green men?
Globalism 101
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