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"The SOLUTION to The Elusive GRAND UNIFIED EQUATION(Singularity Equation) in All Sciences, Metaphysics, Spirituality and Philosophy is right in front of our Eyes👁️ after all for so long ......."SOL"-ution🌞...."SOUL"ution💚

This Twin Pillars of Polarity in front/entrance of Solomon's Temple is a Code, in fact a Major Code that hides the Secret to the entrance to Kingdom of Heaven/God.

Solomon's Temple is an allegory of the Kingdom of God, The Holy of Holies, The Entrance or Specifically The Twin Pillars is a Code of "STARGATE"/"BLACKHOLE"/"SINGULARITIES", A Door or a gate should have atleast 2 Pillars "11" , To transform a Singular point "1" into a Door or gate is to "Split" it equally intuitively into Two, Thus "1" becomes "11"= Two Pillars,Two Foundations.... Number "1" standing vertically firm upright is the Foundation/pillar of All numbers in fact all numbers are just sums and divisions of many "1's", All starts and originates in "1" ,All is just a sum and Components of many "1's"

II Chronicles 3:15-17

15 "For the front of the temple he made two pillars, which together were thirty-five cubits long, each with a capital five cubits high."

16 "He made interwoven chains and put them on top of the pillars. He also made a hundred pomegranates and attached them to the chains."

17 "He erected the pillars in the front of the temple, one to the south and one to the north. The one to the south he named Jakin and the one to the north Boaz."

This Bible verse says that this two Pillars are situated North⬆️ and South⬇️ to Decode this,it's clear that they have some opposite aspect relationship to each other, a Polar, positive (+), Negative (-), Male/ Female....In Jewish Kabbalah Teachings it is stated that this "Jakin & Boaz" pillar Symbolizes "Beauty & Strength", There you go "Beauty is associated with Females" And "Strength" is Associated with Males isn't it? , Now if we treat this Two Pillars as Electrical Charges -1+1=0⚡⚡(Energy) , The Divine Union💚,Shiva& Shakti(Consciousness as Information is Shiva, Energy and Motion,Spirals is Shakti , together Shiva and Shakti is the same ,Two Sides of the same coin) between male and female Aspects equals latent Energy of Magnetism🧲in All levels, be it Kundalini energy🔥,Electrical Kinetic Energy⚡ Spiritual Energy🌞👁️

Now we have numbers 0,1,1 from Divine Union (-1+1=0).......anyone familiar with this Series 0,1,1...This is the Elegant Fibonacci Series also known as "GOLDEN RATIO 1.618" ......."0" is you,us, each soul,each being, The "0"NE, Neo-phyt, A galactic newbie..... entering into the Kingdom of God through that Gate/Pillar "11" is always being a neophyt Evolving into a higher level of Evolutionary Process,not only planetary Specie but being a Galactic Specie.

Entering into that North/South gate from an Orthogonal direction means you are coming from the East, The Sun🌞, you are the Son/Sun, each of us is a Fractal of God we are his Sons, we are the Fractal of Zeropoints, each of us is a Zeropoint"0" entering that pillar "11"..

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 Fibonacci Series is the sum of pairs starting from 0+1= 1, Then next 1+1 = 2, Then 1+2= 3.......etc. up to Infinity♾️.....Each Pair diverges to 1.618..... This means 1.618 ratio is Constant pairing ratio up to Infinity♾️ a conservative approach we ignore Infinities and instead replace infinity with just 1.618..., in Mathematics this is not cheating, but inovating,going around something, coming up with a variable that symbolize the indefinite term which is in our case here infinities....This is the same principle when Mathematics invent the Complex number "i" Imaginary number which give way to the most beautiful Equation in all Eulers formula e^iπ+1=0 ,in fact this is A Singularity Zeropoint Equation.......And the Solution to that Elusive Grand Singularity Equation I propose is no other than the Immortal Divine Golden Ratio 1.618..

Verse 16 says about " Interwoven Chains put at the top of Pillars" Golden Ratio Fractal Scaling is Similar to a "chain" connection in a Fractal Series that all starts at "11" or 1+1

Another way to write Phi Golden Ratio Scaling is ϕ= 1+(1/1+(1/1+(1/1+(1/1+(1/1+.....------>♾️

Noticed Golden Ratio is Truly just a Continued Cascades sums and divisions of "1's" up to Infinity♾️and it's just equals to Phi ϕ= 1.618....

This is a proof....

We have now numbers 0,1,1 and ♾️

To shorten this in an Equation 0=♾️ , Singularity= Every-Thing......

To find the solution of it's Transform is the Infinite Cascades of 1"Singularity" in the Beautiful Elegant Spiral Curves of Phi 1.618..

"Truth is in the Eye👁️ of the Believer, Transformation🌞 Is in the Strength⚡of Conviction🧲💚

~Runcel 7-22-2022~ The Zer♾️ Code~



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