When considering the nature of the Elves or the Anunnaki, rather than believing they came from a different planet, it might be worth considering that they occupied a different dimension. If this sounds equally as fanciful and implausible, consider this. A multitude of different animal species on this planet can be perceived by human sensory capacities and therefore, to all intents and purposes, the physical aspect of their being occupies the human dimension. However, because of their anatomical and physiological make-up, these species’ experiences of the same material reality are different and these differences are caused by, amongst other things, variations in the respective synaptic connections and hormone levels. Consequently these variants are known to differentiate between the perceptions of their universe and that of humanity. These species actually live in another dimension and at a higher or variant frequency, where the subjective qualities of time and the environment for them are totally different to the way in which humans perceive them. The level to which the Fairies experienced life was far deeper than the level to which humans experienced it. In real terms the Fairies inhabited an entirely alien world but occupied the same planet. In this sense they were from a different dimension, characterised and regulated by their body chemistry which enabled them to see more in the environment than humans could. In this they were no more remarkable than any other non-human species we are able to study today. Flies, sharks, dolphins and a host of other life forms have attributes and abilities humans do not possess. As a consequence of this, the way in which they interact with the planet is completely alien to the way in which humans do. For a fly, time is completely different and for a shark, any warm blooded creature glows with a blue, electro-chemical haze or aura, proving to some extent, the veracity of the theory of Kirlian photography. The concept of dimension is entirely subjective, as is any concept of reality, which to the greatest extent in humans, is manipulated not only by their internal constitutions, but also and largely by external environmental conditioning and attachment. This training forces humans to subdue and modify their internal constitutions in order to align themselves with arbitrary social expectations. The consequence of this is to create a dichotomy—an endlessly chattering, self-flagellating, hateful monkey in the human forebrain whose ceaseless din, which humans call reality, prevents the individual from entering any other form of perception or, if you like, stops them from changing their dimension. Humans cannot perceive the monkey. However, by virtue of a different chemical constitution, the Fairies could, quite naturally, and were able to put it in its correct perspective. Once silenced, the monkey which creates the illusion of time and substance is unable to keep the doors to other dimensions, so securely locked. The Fairies were Dragons and this means that they “saw clearly”, they saw subtler emanations than man could. In order to be able to do this the Fairies would have to have their senses tuned into a higher frequency than man. Therefore the Fairies were tuned to a higher frequency of perception and activity generally. In cybernetic terms, any system that is faster and consequently higher than a given base is called a nautonnier or navigator. In cybernetics these systems are set over and in control of the slower functional operations within any given mechanical or organic arrangement. If we transpose this theory onto human society we get leaders and followers. The leaders are supposed to be able to function at a faster rate than the followers, and thereby anticipate any given direction the system might go in and plan sensible strategies that the system might adopt for its well-being. Today this is ludicrous. Self-seeking, middle class incompetents more often find themselves voted in to control what are now vast, unwieldy, outof-control social systems which, once upon a time, no one would have trusted to anyone but the Elves. In the past therefore, because the Fairies were, for millennia, physiologically bred and exhaustively trained to operate at a higher level than men, humans often invited them to become social navigators or nautonniers. The Sumerian word for a navigator is a Gall, which sounds a bit like a Gael, doesn't it? The language of the western Royal Scythians was Gaelic and the Royal Scythians were the Fairies, the Elves: the Dragons. The Dragon's fiery breath symbolised the pneuma, the spirit of the divine, which coalesced into the Torah or cosmic law that the Dragon queens and kings delivered as their pronouncements in the affairs of man. Thus the image of the Dragon of myth and legend is complete, as a set of symbolic attributes belonging to an ancient magical race of praeter-natural beings, the vampyr overlords or Fairy overkings. Although humanoid, Dragons were not Homo Sapiens but decended from the far older Elven race, sometimes called in literature the Elda or Eldar. This was probably suggested or derived from the name of an ancient queen and her ancient, former habitation in Mesopotamia and possibly intended, in its attribution as a simile for Elder perhaps, to imply some form of racial primogeniture. Reflected upon within the context of early Sumerian historical records, such a synonym would indeed seem to be apposite, inasmuch as this ancient and mysterious people claimed that the Dragons, with Queen Hawah Elda's assistance, created mankind. Homo Sapiens? From the OED (Oxford English Dictionary, used often as a reference in this work), we learn that the prefix homo has two meanings. There is the Latin meaning (from whence comes “man”), and the Greek meaning, as in homo-genous, which means “common”, “the same” or “the same as”, “average”, “mediocre”. The word sapiens is itself derived from the Latin word “sapienta” meaning understanding. However it was also a word which was used in a solely pejorative and derogatory context—from as far back as the Middle English period—explicitly in the sense of artful, deceitful, contrived or would-be wisdom; meaning sophistry or low cunning and hypocrisy. From sapienta we derive the slang derogative sap, which has been used throughout the Englishspeaking world to taunt idiots and fools. Hereto, jocularly, in contemporary currency the phrase homo sapiens could, therefore, define a common, undistinguished hominid species. Its members would act in the same manner and think the same self-deluding thoughts, relating to each other through a veil of deception, within a limited field of conscious responses and conditioned reflexes, rather like sheep. Taken in relation to what man has done to the planet and to his fellow creatures, the author doesn't think that this is an unwarranted or unsubstantiated attack, but a justifiable observation. Man aptly named himself: homo = mediocre + sapiens = cunning. Therefore man could be defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, the recognised authority on, and arbiter of the English language, as being uniquely, thoroughly stupid and dim-witted, and his species description has incorporated within it a clear indication that this condition is genetically inherited. Nurture seems unable to ameliorate what nature has here ordained.