Corona/Covid declared pandemic
March 11 - 3/11 = 33
Corona Virus = CV
C = 3
V = 22
Genesis 3:22
Event 201 was a simulation of a coronavirus outbreak that killed 65-million people worldwide, over the course of 18-months. It took place October 18, 2019, the same day the Military World Games began in Wuhan. The 65-million is a curious number, because in gematria, ‘pandemic’ sums to 65, and the simulation took place on Melinda Gates’ 65th day of her age, having an August 15 birthday.
Pandemic = 16+1+14+4+5+13+9+3 = 65
Regarding the word ‘pandemic’, of course, Bill Gates starred in two Netflix related documentaries. The first was ‘The Next Pandemic’, which debuted November 7, 2019, and Pandemic, which debuted January 22, 2020, 1-day after the first case was found in the U.S., in Seattle, Washington, home of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization that has a financial interest and investment in vaccines, including those that can treat coronavirus.
Kobe Bryant is buried in Corona Del Mar.
The mystery has been solved at last. Corona's origin has been discovered, in an etymological sense at least.
It's right there in Exodus 34:29 -- When Moses descended from the mountain, he "did not know that the skin of his face had become radiant -- כי קרן עור פניו..."
Moses did not know that his face was CoRaN, radiating light.
It spread quickly to verse 30 and 35. Three incidents!
This ancient Biblical Hebrew root is undoubtedly the source of the Latin word "corona," which eventually became "crown" in English. QaRaN can also mean horn, and is the likely origin of a host of other English words like cornice, corner, cornucopia, cranium, cornea, and unicorn.
The contemporary Coronavirus has a series of crown-like spikes or horns on its surface, which is the reason for the name.
Moses had crown-like rays of light emanating from the skin of his face. Like its modern-day namesake, his unusual corona caused much fear, and everyone was afraid to approach him (ibid 30).
Fortunately, Moses did not need to be quarantined. Instead, he covered his face with a mask! (ibid 33)
The mask wasn't meant for protection, since Moses' corona wasn't contagious, but rather for modesty purposes.
Moses was careful to remove his mask when teaching Torah to Israel. There can be no barriers when it's time to learn Torah.
Parenthetically, Moses' corona has been subject to much misinterpretation over the ages. Michelangelo read a faulty Latin translation of the Torah that rendered "QoRaN" as horns, and consequently depicted horns atop Moses' head on his famous stature in the Basilica. While the root QeReN can indeed mean horn, our verses in Exodus clearly use the verb form that indicates radiating light. QeReN often means ray in noun form too, as in קרני אור, rays of light. Even the sun has a corona. Too bad no one with any Hebraic literacy was around to advise Michelangelo.
QoRaN can also denote radiating power. Three times daily, we petition G-d to cause the QeReN (power) of redemption to flourish, and to exalt the QeReN (power) of Moshiach.
Corona is a word that expresses radiance, power, and salvation.
By the way, did you know that Corona has been detected in the Mishna too?
"One should only stand up to pray with a heavy (i.e. serious and focused) head -- אין עומדים להתפלל אלא מתוך כובד ראש" (Berakhot 30b). "Heavy head" is pronounced "COVID rosh" in Hebrew