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The Philosophers Stone has 4 distinct stages on its path of becoming. 1. Nigredo -Raven/Crow- Black phase 2. Albedo -Swan- White phase 3. Cauda pavonis -Peacocks Tail- Planetary Phase of many colors 4. Rubedo -Phoenix- Red Phase The idea when making the Stone is to wed Gold (masculine/consciousness) to its Mercury (feminine/mind) so that the perceived 2 become 1. This matter, now united as one is placed back into the universal womb (Cosmic/Orphic egg a.k.a hermetically sealed flask) so that it may gestate and be born again (Phoenix/Red/Philosophers Stone). Funny thing is that the actual lab process takes 9 months... But, after the matter has been sealed up, allowed to putrefy, then cleansed and made white through recognition of its true Being, it goes through a variety of iridescent color changes traditionally known as the Peacocks Tail. See, when purity is achieved through self-awareness, what you find (here’s the answer) is “I am” everything. It’s all me. It’s all one. That’s how the state of purity is achieved. That means that singular identity is achieved by recognizing that all the perceived “others” are actually just “I.” You aren’t just (insert name here). So, the purest of them all become shapeshifters. The lines of identity being blurred so that the truest and most authentic self can be expressed as needed/desired through any and all circumstances. Infinite circumstances with infinite potential existing within the infinite nature of Self. Like a snake, the pure shed their skin again and again, never leaving on one mask for too long. Identities are slipped out of like an old tight shoe and “I” am allowed to breath, stretch out, and wiggle my toes. 

:::Phoenix::: The completion of the Philosophers Stone. It is marked by a “divine redness” that emerges from the many color phases witnessed over the past 9 months of incubation. The Philosophers Stone is actually no Stone at all but manifests as a fine powder. Traditionally, it was know as “The Elixir,” getting its name from the Arabic word Al-Iksir, meaning “powder” or “essence.” The Philosophers Stone was known to be the Elixir of Life - “both for Man and Metals,” and could awaken within form the Divine Light of Truth that would project perfection and life upon the prepared subject. Through its proper use it could be used as a universal panacea, elixir of immortality, or to transmute Lead into Gold. In my post on the White phase of the stone, I touched on Purity and stepped my way through to explore the Peacocks Tail, mentioning that “the most pure are shapeshifters.” The Peacocks Tail is the infinite iridescent expression of the many colors/faces that a pure entity holds. This is do to the embodiment of beingness (the way by which purity is achieved) which itself is the eternal source of all. Being eternal, it must of course have an infinite amount of expressions wrapped up within its infinite potential as an infinite being. But, the completion of the Stone leads us from Purity, through infinity (Peacocks Tail/iridescence) to CLARITY. Clarity, comes from Latin: Claritas, which means “Divine Splendor/Brightness.” That word Splendor has a proto-indo-European root in it that means “to bear or carry.” The completed stone has achieved full clarity and now bears/carries the internal Splendor of the Divine - the Creator. It has gone beyond its pure white phase of beingness to a state of Truth Realization where it now experiences itself fully as the source of ALL. Grand Unification. This is the path. To isolate and putrefy (black). To remove your self-induced suffering/limitation and purify (White). To express your awareness of Self through infinite forms, identities, and talents (Iridescent). Then to embody infinity in a point of presence and become the source of all (Red). As above, so below. As within, so without. #alchemy 

Photo: White Lipped Python 🐍 (they really are 🌈) 


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