Twilight / Thin Place / Middle Earth / Midgard

“Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet.” - 🍀Celtic Twilight by WB Yeats💚🍀
If I have one word to describe myself, it would be PARADOX.
Twilight is that little sliver of green time between night and day. The green flash behind the sun that peeks out for a moment before it disappears into nightfall . It is what I call the “in-between.” This is where I live. The green twilight is the heart chakra that separates the lower 3, from the upper 3. When I meditate or do yoga, a green Light always appears. Gatsby saw this light. The light of the Hidden One, the Green Man, guides his children who have conquered the labyrinth to find their way to the Center, the heart center.
“ O Friend, You made me lovingly, put me in a dress of skin and blood. Then planted deep inside me a seed from Your heart . 💚 You turned the whole world into a sanctuary, where You are the only One.” 🥀 Rumi
Perceiving everything symbolically liberates us :“Marie-Louise von Franz made a statement that the individuated person lives in the world of active imagination; that the ego does not identify with the outer world, nor the inner world, but with the imaginative world—which includes both of the others. The conscious ego that is united with the manifest Self experiences life from a central position based in the imaginative worlds, and neither identifies with outer life events nor inner archetypal states. The ego's union with the Self would not simply be expressed in a state of awareness, but in an ongoing creative and imaginative experience. Normal ego consciousness would be replaced by an imaginative consciousness that beheld the world through the eyes of imagination. It would see underneath the apparent solidity of ordinary reality to the meaning hidden there. It would behold the spiritual powers at play in ordinary life, and it would possess the freedom that perceiving symbolically bestows.” Jeffrey Raff, Alchemical Imagination