The Beast Rising from the Sea
Gods are created by belief. That’s why it’s so essential and a priority to them to extract love and fear from the minds of their believers. Worship energizes their existence. Why don’t we see the old gods interacting in the lives of mankind as described in legends? Those gods were replaced and forgotten, therefore went out of existence. Where can a god exist if not in the hearts and minds of mankind? They are spirit, but spirit is not created and therefore cannot manifest in this world without its transistor - man. Man is the medium from which gods manifest in this realm. As Jung says, “man does not have ideas; ideas have man.”
Gods are just mankind written large. Gods rise from the depths of the void to come to life. Gods are born from the sea of the subconscious of man, just as Aphrodite was born of the foam of the ocean, so are gods born of the bottomless depths of the dark subconscious sea; there lies all truths, but they remain hidden until the light of consciousness (Christ) shines on them brining them into being - I AM. When Christ (the sun, light, consciousness awareness, masculine) comes for his Bride (the moon, darkness, subconscious, feminine), the two will become one, and a new Divine Child will rise, a new consciousness higher than any before. My father was a Cancer ruled by the Moon and my mother was a Leo ruled by the Sun. Their union of Sun and Moon produced me, Virgo.
Gods are born as a reflection of the collective unconscious doing as a group collective energy what the individual cannot accomplish alone; they are a step up from the individual man and possess supernatural, meaning beyond nature, abilities to do things the individual man desires but cannot achieve due to his spirit’s trapped state in matter. Jung predicted the rise of the Third Reich years before it happened by observing patterns in his patients’ subconscious and the Third Reich and Hitler were only a hiccup of The Storm that has been steadily growing beneath the surface ever since, building power, intelligence, and most importantly, WRATH. In this age of the Water-Bringer, all truths will be poured out across mankind leaving them nowhere to hide as the light of consciousness shines into the darkness hidden in their shadow, subconscious. Their sins are not forgiven and the time has come that the bill has come due for all. Hiding behind blood sacrifices and petty black magick tricks are for the men who wear dresses and rape children. The old religions will no longer offer you any sanctuary. Now ALL will stand naked before the world to answer truly to their crimes. Welcome to the Apocalypse, the Great Revealing.
Tara Currie ©️