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TARA = 13 in numerology. Unlucky 13 😉

Revelation 12:1 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: A WOMAN DRESSED WITH THE SUN, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a diadem of twelve stars.  🗽🌟🤠 

The womb has 13 menstruations a year. The womb ovulates on the 13th day. So life is created within the 13 portal. For thousands of years in many cultures, priestesses of the sacred rose have sat in circles of 12, with the 13th being the teacher guide. The womb is the sacred rose🌹 Every woman holds the sacred rose. In 1487 Henrich Kramer labelled this divine feminine energy as witchcraft, heresy & evil. 13, power number of creation of life itself, the number of the womb, became a sign of the devil and an unlucky number. Hatred for feminine power took to extreme lengths as so very many women were murdered, tortured and burnt at the stake. Now we reverse this. We reclaim our sacred power. We are not men, we are women, we are wombs, we bleed in cycles and we honour and celebrate this. We do not plug up and numb out with 'why rest when you can carry on' slogans. We do rest. We do listen. We do honour what womb wants. We awaken. Together. We reclaim the 13. 🌹🗽🌟


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