Black Hole Sun Continues

The Picture of the Black Hole followed by the Fire in Notre-dame and Al-Aqsa Mosque is not a coincidence but a Divine message from Mother Nature that she will remove her veil soon and share the secrets of Alchemy which has been hidden by all the religions and secret societies. The Cathedral of Paris, like most French cathedrals is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Virgin Mother. There were many temples dedicated to the Mother (Lat. muter) or Matrona (Sanskrit Matr) in ancient times in Europe which in the course of time turned into Madonna (Ital ma donna), my Lady or Our Lady (Notre-Dame)

All these cathedrals were used by the Philosophers and Alchemist of Europe and they secretly worshipped the Black Mother because the Virgin Mother, stripped of her symbolical veil is none other than the personification of the Prima Materia used by the Creator for his Great Work. Our entire universe and everything within it (seen and unseen) is a vibrating mass of atoms and subatomic particles. Every atom and molecule within us depends on the rest of the universe. We are interconnected outward expressions of this Divine energy. The manifestation of this energy comes from the 'Black Hole' known as the quantum vacuum which is actually ‘packed full’ of God’s creative energy in a stable state. This Shakti ( Energy) of Maa Kali ( Black Mother) is known as Dark Energy by modern Science which fills 96% of universe while the rest is filled with the Physical gross matter we see including the Stars and Planets. This Dark and mysterious Energy is the true God of the entire universe which we can't even imagine and hence give it various names and images according to our limited consciousness. The sacred geometry of the 11000 year old Sri Yantra is formed by 9 interlacing 3D cones. The red dot in the middle is the Bindu-- Modern science has still NOT understood SINGULARITY, the still point in the middle of a black hole which is the conciousness or eye of the universe. Black Hole is not a vacuum but rather a Bindu..a seed —an absolute fullness, characterized by nearly infinite energy density and boundless luminosity. It is not dead, empty or inert but radiant and shimmering with energetic potential.This all-pervading unified field has the features and qualities of what we Aryans called the Hiranyagarbha (Golden Womb) of our Divine Mother. The infinite potential of our Mother is our potential. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence. We all have direct and immediate access to that Akashic Field which has been referenced by the spiritual traditions as the Divine Being.This all-pervading energy is a form of electrostatic energy that has the potential to create but is currently without physical manifestation just like a Womb or a seed.

This is the meaning of the verse in the Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin which reads "'The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his ways. I existed before he formed any creature, I existed from all eternity, before the earth was created. The abysses were not yet and already I was conceived. The fountains had not yet come out of the earth, the heavy mass of the mountains had not yet been formed, I was begotten before the hills. He had created neither the earth, nor therivers, nor strengthened the world on its poles. When he prepared the heavens, I was present; when he confined the abysses within their bounds and prescribed an inviolable law; when he confirmed the air above the earth; when he balanced the waters of the fountains; when he shut up the sea within its limits and imposed a law on the waters, so that they should not pass their bounds; when he laid the foundations of the earth, I was with him and I regulated all things"

This fire is just the beginning of the end of this Kali Yuga. This Fire won't stop till the Patriarchal Capitalist Structure of Society and all the Evil Gargoyles and Demons protecting it are burned to Ashes from which the Son of the Black Mother will resurrect once again to bring a Golden Dawn upon Humanity.