The Black Sun Prepares for Virgo to give birth to the Dragon
On SpaceX ๐ ๐ฒDRAGON๐๐ฒ
The week of the Great American Eclipse of August 2017, SpaceX's Dragon cargo craft arrived at the International Space Station with experiments that could only be performed in "microgravity."
SPACEX DRAGON CARGO Video (includes biologicals) The Dragon cargo craft had **More than 6400 lbs of supplies.** Number 64 ๐The mathematician W. R. Ball reports the following legend: In a temple of Benares, there is a dome under which a plate of bronze marks the center of the world. On this plate, there are three vertical stems of one cubit height. During the creation of the world, God placed on one of the stems 64 discs of gold of different sizes, the largest at the basis, the others going decreasing. In top, the smallest disc. This accumulation is the tower of Brahma. Night and day, without stop, the priests relay to transfer the discs from a stem to another. Only one disc must be take at once and it is forbidden to place a disc on another of lower diameter. When the 64 discs will be transferred from the tower of Braham to an other stem, the temple and the Universe will crumble. This will be the end of the world. ๐The 64 nucleotides of the genetic code. The 64 squares of a game of chessboard. โ๏ธIt is the number of generations from Adam until Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke.โ๏ธ The Dragon Cargo Craft had ***More than 3300 pounds of hardware*** Number 33 33 vertebrae The Christ in the Gospels accomplishes 33 miracles of which 24 were cures. Number of days following the circumcision of the foreskin of the child where the mother had to purify her blood, according to the law of Moses. She did not have to touch nothing of sacred and not to go to the sanctuary until 33 days have been passed. (Lv 12,4-8) David reigned 33 years to Jerusalem. (1 Ch 3,4) Jacob had from his first woman Leah 33 children, by counting his daughter, his son and his grandsons. (Gn 46,15) The 33 litany of angels. The number 33 is used 6 times in the Bible. In the Bible, 33 numbers are multiple of 11 and 33 others are multiple of 18. Five books of the Bible use the number 33. In the NT, seven chapters have 33 verses and 33 numbers written in their form cardinal are multiple of 12. The sum of the occurrences of all numbers of the Bible multiple of 19 gives 33. The word parable is found 48 times in the four Gospels. By deducting these texts the parallel passages, the total number of different employment is reduced to 33. The words cross and devil are used 33 times in the NT and the word sickness, 33 times in the OT. The words language, fast, tribulations, miracle and the verb to blaspheme are used 33 times in the Bible.
Harvey, a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall exactly 4 days after the Great American Eclipse and 4 weeks before the Feast of Trumpets, or, on the Jewish calendar, exactly 4 weeks before the Revelation 12 Sign featuring a woman with 12 stars on her head who symbolizes the 12 tribes of Israel. The storm was the most powerful hurricane to make landfall in 12 years and brought with it 12-foot storm surges. The hurricane struck between Corpus Christi, which is Latin for "The Body of Christ", and Victoria, which is Latin for "Victory". Harvey means "Blazing Iron". Citizens of Corpus were told to evacuate and many heeded the warning (the Body of Christ was evacuated). In Revelation 12:5 we discover that the victorious Body of Christ will rule the nations with a rod of iron (see also Rev. 2:26-27) after evacuating earth to a place of safety as a ferocious dragon tries unsuccessfully to devour them (see here, here, and here).

2005 is the year Storms Began, the Year of 5โs my mother died, 5/5/05. She was a ๐ฆLeo, the Lion, the Sun ๐ that had to die to yield to the ๐ฝVirgo Rising, Revelation ๐12, Rebirthโก๏ธMore on this below.

Hurricanes are spirits. Thatโs why we name them. They can be summoned by certain ways. Jack Parsons sent a storm after L. Ron Hubbardโs boat when he stole his money.
VITRIOL๐ฝ Sulfur was described as brimstone in the Bible. ๐ฉ๐ผโ๐ฌIn chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid. The name comes from the Latin for โglassy,โ after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the โgreen lion,โ a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol, was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopherโs Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect. The alchemical motto for vitriol is โVisita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem,โ โVisit the interior of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone.โ The motto originated in LโAzoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus.

Hurricane Harvey was the beginning of the Great Purification, the location was the largest sulfur mine in the world.

This is where things get very personal for me. My family name is Currie and most all the women in our family have the middle name Marie, so Marie Currie. I became obsessed with numbers when I was young because of my grandfather's death having so many unusual numbers.
He died on 8/88/88, was born on the 8th and was 58. I am a Virgo, ruled by Mercury,/Marie Curie. The rooster is the symbol for the Currie family crest, also Mercury.
My mother died on 5/5/05 at age 55. She was a Marie Currie. The year of this hurricane and eclipse was all 7's for me, it was 2017, same as my date of birth. Inspire to Victory is the Currie motto and Harvey made landfall at Victoria which is Latin for Victory.
Hurricane Harvey brought Trump here, actually here was just down the street from me handing out food at a church and causing traffic jams, but how surreal was it to have the president here. We have had a lot of hurricanes and I've never had him right next door to where I used to keep my horses. This was getting bizarre and Trump is connected to my significantly grandfather's 88's and 58.

A man named Trump is mentioned in this episode of Quantum Leap taking place in 1958. Trump's Mother died on May 10th and she was 58. The day of birth of my Nanny, the wife of my grandfather who died at 58, 8/8/88 is May 10th. She too is a Marie Currie.

Debra Monk played in Devil's Advocate that used Trump's 5th Avenue penthouse for some of the scenes. Monk was the only character to have a line in the film who actually mention Trump. She was born on the 58th day of the year.

Trump's Election Day 11 x 8 = 88

Picture of Trump near my house after the hurricane

Trump at the church down the street where from my home where after Hurricane Harvey passing out Red Cross aid.
The number 88 is the numbered representation of the cross swastika - three times cranked. Symbolically, this cross represents the eternity or the cosmic Christ, and it is allotted to the number 16. And, by theosophical reduction, 8 + 8 gives 16.

TRUMP AND 88: From the film "Donnie" Darko; One of my favorite films of all time:

28 +6+42+12 = 88

9 / 1+1/ 2+1
9 2 3

9/11 was just the opener ritual for 9/23

When Trump was sworn into office on January 20th 2017, he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old.
My VIRGO birthday, ruled by MERCURY, was 9/17/2017 (17th day of 17th year) Virgo Constellation gives birth after the Black Sun Rises and Hurricane Harvey (17 miles wide) and Trump arrive here. If I add all the letters in my full given name, it totals 64. 64 = 8 x 8. Tara = 13 (58 = 5 + 8 = 13)
The Revelation 12 Prophecy
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.
7 heads and 10 horns = 17
Birth of the Dragon Film Released August 25, 2017 (United States only, was released earlier in other countries, but 4 days after Solar Eclipse in USA)

This is from a post made on a random Facebook page on my birthday Sept 17, 2017:
Virgo Initiation and Revelation Chapter 12
Virgo (September 17 - October 17) in Greek Mythology was the last Immortal to leave the Earth plane for Olympus, this forever linking her to servitude, her being understood as the Heavenly Mother, or Queen, and being attributed as an Earth sign. Virgo is Mother of the Zodiac, the road of initiation. She symbolizes service, hard work, practicality, loyalty, kindness, and intelligence. The Greeks called her Demeter, literally meaning Divine Mother, and she had a most important role in the harvest season, as she was remembered for representing fertility and Divine order, and she was a Law-Bringer. This goddess became known as an essential part of the Eleusinian Mysteries (แผฮปฮตฯ ฯฮฏฮฝฮนฮฑ ฮฯ ฯฯฮฎฯฮนฮฑ), which focused on the descension, search, and ascension of the Soul. Virgo marks the shift in the agricultural season through the Autumn Equinox, and she is also the constellation linked to the wheat harvest in the Aegyptian tradition among many others, including the Feast of the Virgin Mary, who has also had symbolic morphing with Virgo as she aligned in early Christianity. In regards to the Astrological season of Virgo, it is said that people who are faithful, quiet, and skilled laborers, such as scientists, mathematicians, and other craftsman that are detail oriented, such as teachers, writers, and journalists, are often born under this sign. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the communicator, intellect, and messenger of higher consciousness. Personalities with organizational skills, who desire cleanliness, and Law and Order, they have the positive traits of this sign. As Virgo can be overly critical of Self and others, inflexible, and as they can be too helpful, they can be considered interfering, this must be considered as there is the potential for these traits to cause negative reactions, especially in working with others that do not meet their expectations. This is a very important Liturgical season, because we have the Autumn Equinox, the harvest season, and the celebration of Rash HaShanah, a form of Jewish New Year that marks the head of the Civil Year, a two day festival that ends with an overlap of a Shabath with the Equinox on September 22nd. A time to organize civil affairs, and focus on the necessary details, planning, preparations, etc. for projects that are being prioritized going forward. Awareness of needs: logistics and nurturing. This section is covered in Markโs Gospel from 9:30 - 9:50, and it deals with the idea of being born into a new spiritual life, in entering this tradition you become as a child being nurtured by your Mother as an infant who just entered into this world. The spiritual birth constitutes a rebirth into new consciousness. Theurgy is inner work, it is spiritual work that requires a conscious self promotion upon a foundation for engaging within the spiritual plane, by way of a practical level of assertiveness. There must be focus upon the instructions and exercises of your specific system of thought, if you are to begin to achieve any significant spiritual development. Discipleship demands spiritual values to be the focal point. Purification comes through faith, and there is the expectation that the immature will mature through discipleship. Virgo has caught the interest of many with a special Astrological cycle in 2017 involving the mythology with Jupiter and Virgo ending on September 23 (Again, the Autumn Equinox and Rash HaShanah are September 22, the day before). Many have confirmed the rarity of this alignment that has occurred, with some reports saying it has not happened in 7,000 years, and others going even further, saying that it symbolically matches with the descriptions of Revelation Chapter 12, as the Astral Triangle of Mercury, Mars, and Venus enter into the 9 Star constellation of Leo forming a 12 luminary crown above Virgo while the Sun is at her back, and the Moon is at her feet, and while Jupiter has gone through a Retro grade orbit that kept the planet in the Virgo constellation for the last 9 months (42 weeks), it is as a child being conceived, as the powerful archetype and planet exits between the legs of Virgo marking a symbolic (re)birth. A new birth in the consciousness of mankind also comes to mind, when reflecting upon the greatness of God the Father. The opening of Revelation 12 reads, "And a great sign appeared in Heaven: a woman who was wearing the Sun, and the Moon was under her feet, and a crown of 12 stars on her head; And she was pregnant and she cried out and was in labor; she was also in anguish to give birth." In Greek Jesus is Iesous (แผธฮทฯฮฟแฟฆฯ), and some have put forth the idea that this has a connection etymologically, meaning Son of Zeus, as the chief God of the Greeks was Zeus, and so this also was a way of saying Son of God, in general, in the Greek language. Although it may be more important to point out something more cryptic, and more accurate (Zeus is spelled ฮฮตฯฯ not ฮฃฯฮฟฯ), that Soos / Sous (Greek: ฮฃฯฮฟฯ) was a partially mythological King of Sparta. Pausanias in the 2nd Century C.E. stated this name means โstabilityโ or strength. This was considered a key concept for Spartan identity. During his reign the Spartans conquered the Helots, and took the territories of Arcadia. Plutarch stated that the โClitorians encircled the Spartans, and prevented their access to water sources.โ Soos made a treaty that would return their land to them in exchange for access to water. Soos promised the kingdom to the soldier who would not drink the water. Soos was the only one who refused to drink in order to void the treaty, and claim the kingdom for his own. The legendary King, and the Arcadian myth remain a mystery. When considering Iesous Christos, we have the anointed Son of Stability, the Measure of Stability, the Hypostasis, the substance, the reality of the Logos, as reasoning being unveiled in an anthropomorphic being. The Kingdom / Malkoth, being the new Hypostasis for those who convert to the faith. Et in Arcadia Ego. This makes sense, as the section found in Mark also addresses accepting new converts to the faith. As new converts are as children, and need nurturing, the motherly instincts of Virgo fit well. To receive the Kingdom of God, you must become innocent, pure, virgin, like a child. Becoming childlike is not just a reference to accepting what is new and unknown, but should also be seen as a clear reference to Katharsis, Spiritual Purification. This does not mean to act like a child towards others. The message is to return to a state of innocence. The text calls for working together, and makes a point to mention that people need to stop arguing with each other, and we might also add, to stop struggling within, and / or arguing with the needs of the spirit. Grow with the Solโs journey each year. If you start placing your spiritual needs as priorities, these focal points are to be assigned to their proper rank over the desires of the lower nature, the desires of the flesh, and the desire of this world, as they need to be sacrificed for the greater awareness that is received from accepting a life of spiritual discipline and self-transformation. Mark 9:31, at the beginning of this Liturgical section, starts with the Master, โconcentrating his teaching on his disciplesโ alone, or in private. He tells them that โa man is delivered into the hands of his fellow men and they will kill him, and once killed, after three days, he will rise up.โ A reflection of how his life reflects upon the Solar journey, and an allegory for the Soul of man. The disciples โdid not understand the saying and were afraid to question him further.โ -Mark 9:32 In the next series of verses you should consider a reference to Ontological rank. As the disciples were debating on the road, a mystical interpretation being that an ancient form of Qabalistic pathworking is underway within the meaning of the Biblical travels, and they reach a point where the Master asks them what they were debating, and โthey were silent because, in fact, what they had been arguing about on the road was who ranked highest.โ -Mark 9:34 The Lord calls them out for this behavior, and he cleverly makes a point about purification, innocence, purity of intent, if you will. โIf anyone wants to be first, he shall end up last of all, even a servant of all.โ And taking a child he set it in the midst of them; and enfolding it in his arms, he said to them, โwhoever welcomes one of these children on account of my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes not me, but one who commissions me.โ -Mark 9:35-37 In the systems of initiation ancient and modern, there exist ranks, degrees, and Order for those who serve as officers, they are disciples of the Tradition who serve as mystagogues to new initiates. A working Temple system has many roles, and they have their various ontological rank in the hierarchy of things. As on Earth, as it is in the Heavens, there is no greater role than being in service to humanity. A higher calling is heard by the Master, and it is a calling to servitude, as a Master desires to make other masters. This fits the message of Virgo beautifully: the orderly, constructive nature, the purified state of his reply, the skilled, intelligent delivery found in this exchange, these all align. We find some references in the verses from Mark and the other synoptic gospels (Matthew and Luke) that fit both the themes of Virgo and her Decans from classic Greek Mythology, but even more importantly we also see the symbols of the Rites of Initiation found in these texts and other examples from early Christianity that are consistent with the texts of the Zohar. There were a series of Rites that involved a Baptism of Fire, Water, and of the Holy Spirit, and these were followed by a Rite of Protection from the Archons. These initiations are found in a text known as 2 Jeu, and the details mirror the degrees as they are given in the Zohar from the Genesis section related to Naphash, Ruakh, Nashamah, and Amon. Naphash is described as the soul, the lower nature anyways, and Ruakh is the โthrone of the spiritโ, Nashamah is the โSupernal-Soul,โ and Amon is โFaith.โ Man receives from the โunknowable essenceโ and perfection is compared to a white light. A purified state for man is like this Perfection, โit is the same with the man that arrives at perfection and is named โHoly,โ as the verse says, โfor the Holy that are in the earthโ (Psalm 16:3). It is likewise in the upper world. Thus when Abram entered the land, God appeared before him, and Abram received Naphash and there erected an altar to the like grade of Divinity. Then he โJourneyed toward the Southโ (Genesis 12:9), and received Ruakh. He attained at last to the summit of cleaving to God through Nashamah, and thereupon he โbuilt an altar to the Lord,โ and whereby is meant the ineffable grade which is that of Nashamah. Then seen that he must put himself to the test, and passed through the grades, journeyed into Egypt. There he resisted being seduced by the daemonic essences, and when he had proved himself, he returned to his abode; and, actually, โhe went up out of Egyptโ (Genesis 13:1), his faith was strong and reassured, and he attained to the highest grade of faith. From that time, Abram knew the higher wisdom, and cleaved to God and of the world he became the right hand.โ The four Rites performed by the early Christian, would appear to mirror the initiations that Abram receives in the Zohar, with the Protection from the Archons, and the additional protection from the material plane in the Amon Rite, mentioned above as Faith. As this reception of Faith was to protect from certain dรฆmonic essences, the parallel is astonishing. When considering the four Qabalistic Worlds, and the Divine name, YHVH, this can be expanded out even more. To enter into the Kingdom of God, one must be purified and protected from malevolent spirits, hence the reference to casting out daemons, and specifically by someone who was not part of their circle, as in Mark 9:38. If they were performing miracles in his name, they were not likely a critic, and should be considered a friend not a foe. This can also relate to dealing with other groups in our modern day and age. No matter what form of fellowship you are involved, you should also learn to be cooperative and considerate towards others, including others from other groups outside of your own. If there might be some common ground, it is better than no common ground in many cases. โFor I count anyone who is not actually opposing us as one of our friends. We have few enough of them.โ -Mark 9:40 Then there is specific attention to the concept of new converts to the Faith. โWhoever scandalizes one of these new converts, it is good for him instead to have his head put through the center hole of a heavy millstone and be dumped overboard.โ -Mark 9:42 Moral Purification is discussed as an end to scandalous behavior, and a prerequisite to entering the Kingdom of God (Mark 9:43-50). There are consequences for our actions, and the promise is that โeveryone of the damned will be salted over the fire by Moloch the devoured.โ (Mark 9:49). This is paired along with the mention of the alchemical symbolism in fire, water, and salt (salt being a reference to the Earth Element in the Alchemical Trinity). This section ends with the clever phrase โSalt tastes good, but suppose the salt were to lose its tang? What else could you possibly use to season salt? Become seasoned here and now, so you will not be salted over the fire. And no more arguing with each other!โ -Mark 9:50 A reference to change, renewal, repentance, Metanoia/ Thyqon as an intelligent, calm, and kind reply to close the Virgo section. The message is serious, yet delivered in a way that it could command attention and be received in an orderly manner. The sincere calling to discipleship demands for a commitment to become well seasoned in service and fellowship, something many Master Masons, among other Initiates, might have an appreciation for, as they know about time and energy, and some degree of personal sacrifice in service to others. The focus becomes spiritual, it becomes the Great Work of Self Transformation known as Transcendental Alchemy, Kavanah, or Theurgy. Plan accordingly for the most sincere goals that you have for your self. Set priorities, organize your thoughts, and be ready to follow through diligently. Set your sights towards the Divine Mind, and the will of Christ! Malaky Cagliostro

A and M same as IXXI = 9/11 Auspice Maria (Mary the Virgo)

A and M same as IXXI = 9/11 Auspice Maria (Mary the Virgo)

A and M same as IXXI = 9/11 Auspice Maria (Mary the Virgo)

9/11 and the Sun God Apollo was to open a Gateway to the Black Hole Behind the Sun. The Sun is the Flaming Sword placed to guard the gates of Paradise by the Seraphim, Uriel. The rituals are done in September by Mercury/Hermes - he rules Virgo and Gemini - the Twins.

The beginning of the year in January started with our Superbowl here in Houston in 2017 which featured Lady Gaga as the Falling Star ritual

Then it went from this:

Little Shop of Horrors predicts a solar eclipse and an event on September 23.

Twelve Monkeys films associates rebirth with the date

Lost episode referencing 23 and Virgin Mary idol

Revelations verses shown here

Lost is set on a secret island that has polar bears and powerful electromagnetic power points and scientific stations, one called the Swan. They experiment with time travel and genetics.

Apollo was associated with Swans and said to travel to a land called Hyperborea past the poles for half the year.

Electromagnetic anomalies from south pole. Weather is controlled from Antarctica.

Hurricanes (Hurry Caine) are spirits. They have an eye. We give them names. They can be summoned and directed.

In 2016, the year prior, my house fire and robbery were both on the 23rd. The fire began late on Jan 23rd and I was robbed June 23rd.

The next total solar eclipse will be 7 years from the prior and will cross a point in Texas at the 33rd parallel in total darkness

The X-Files Ending 10 + 13 = 23