Kind after Kind "Magic" and Homeopathy

I have seen a homeopath for years off and on. My homeopath trained in India and her partner is actually a former MD who grew frustrated with allopathic medicine. I have seen her for migraines and when my neurologists have hit a wall, this alternative medicine has been able to mysteriously do something every time I have went to them for help. Yet, they are called a pseudoscience, ineffective, the placebo effect, etc. I do not believe that, and I think there is a lot of disinformation and little known about this very complex method of treatment so I'd like to share some information about homeopathy with you.
Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is an alternative medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician who became dissatisfied with medicine of his day, based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur) or you could say kind after kind, a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people. It is based on the “law of minimum dose”—the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. He took a small amount of cinchona bark, which contains quinine, the drug used to treat malaria, and developed the symptoms of malaria. From this observation he developed homeopathy’s first law, “similia similibus curentur,” or let likes be cured by likes. In other words, drugs which cause specific symptoms can be used to cure diseases which cause the same symptoms.
When I go see my homeopath, she goes through an extensive interview. The goal of a homeopathic consultation is to find the “totality of symptoms,” physical, mental, and spiritual. They accomplish this goal by taking a “homeopathic history” which includes questions such as: do you feel sad when you hear piano music, are you excessively tidy, or do you have a chilly personality? This information is combined with the patient’s symptoms and their physical “constitution,” which may depend on such facts as hair color. The homeopath then decides on what single remedy will treat the patient’s “totality.” The remedy is then prescribed.
I believe the secret to the success of my treatment is what some homeopaths claim is water memory. There is such a minute trace of the original substance in the remedy that it's hard to believe it can be effective if there's hardly even a molecule of the substance left, BUT what if we consider water memory? They claim that water molecules can form a structure that contains the information of the homeopathic remedy. Each time I see my homeopath, she goes and mixes a remedy for me and it's in a water base. This has always worked for me when those homeopathic pills you buy have not so I think before you believe all the skeptics, it's worth a try to give a trained homeopath a chance. The geniuses of our modern healthcare system had convinced me my migraines were sinus headaches and I was about to let them give me sinus surgery when I was saved once by my homeopath.
Someone lost a lot of money that day........